Thursday 8 February 2018

March 2nd Week

According to Mr Middleton in Dig On For Victory we have 9 tasks this week :

1) Fork Dry Soil. - Only fork dry soil as much harm can be done by working on heavy wet soil. If the land is wet then you might have to wait until April to complete this task.

2) Get Ahead with Parsnips. - Due to the long growing season required for parsnip to develop, it's recommended you sow outside without delay. Due to parsnips being slow to germinate it recommends sowing lettuce and radish in the drills which can be harvested whilst the parsnips grow.

3) Sow Onions Outdoors. - As with parsnip it's recommended you sow onions without delay. Spring onions can also be sown.

4) Sow Spinach Outside. - In this task, Mr Middleton also suggests sowing leeks, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprout, peas and broad beans.

5) In and Out of the Greenhouse. - make another sowing of tomatoes. Celeriac seeds can be sown in seed trays. Brassicas seeds should be pricked out and transferred to a cold frame. Lettuce seedlings can be planted out or under cloches. Cauliflowers overwintered in frames can be planted out. Sage and thyme can be sown in seed trays.
6) Harden Off Onions and Leeks. - pricked out seedling should be moved into cold frames and gradually hardened off. Leeks need plenty of air.

7) Plant Out Early Potatoes. - Plant first earlies 6 inches deep.

8) Feed and Support Fruit Trees. - It's recommended to feed around the tree with a general fertilizer to make up for any mineral deficiencies. A dressing can be made by mixing 3 parts Sulphate of ammonia with 2 parts Sulphate of potash applied 6oz per square yard.

9) Complete Planting of Fruit Trees. - The last chance to plant fruit trees before growth begins.

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