Thursday 8 February 2018

April 1st Week

According to My Middleton in Dig On For Victory we have 7 tasks this week :

1) Support Peas. - It recommends putting twigs 2½ ft. and higher in the ground to support the peas as they grow. The twigs should be 6inches taller than the advertised height of the variety that your sowing.

2) Counter Enemies of Peas. - The cold and the wet can decay early sowings. Mice too are a nuisance eating the sown peas whilst birds scratch them out of the ground. Twigs and netting aid against the birds. 

3) Don't be Too Early with Tomatoes. - It says the biggest failures in unheated greenhouses is overwatering in hard weather.

4) Start New Compost Heap. - The compost heap that has been added to all winter should now be left to rot down and should be ready in the autumn, Start a new heap to take this summer's waste.

5) Plant Out Onions. - Onions sown and growing indoors should be planted outside now if the conditions allow. Care should be made not to sow the onions too deeply and to add cloche protection in gardens that are exposed to the elements.

6) Sow Long-Rooted Carrots. - Sow them now so that they have a long enough season to get the best from them. Trenches dug for peas can be filled in now adding manure and bonemeal as the soil is returned.

7) Plant Seakale Thongs . - Thongs that had been put in soil beneath a greenhouse bench some weeks ago will now be producing buds and should now be planted out.

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