Monday 29 May 2017

June 1st Week

According to My Middleton in Dig On For Victory we have 6 tasks this week :

1) Train Cucumbers. -  Train your cucumbers whilst keeping check on red spider mite.

2) Get Tomatoes Out. - Tomatoes, for those choosing to grow theirs outside then now Is the time to move them outside.

3) Watch Onions For Seeding. - Onions, watch out for those that run to seed and snap off each flower head as you see them appear.

4) Beware of These Pests. - Look out for pests namely aphis on broad beans and the turnip-flea beetle.

5) Sweetcorn and Strawberries. - Sweet corn can now be planted out in the open whilst Strawberries should be protected from birds and slugs.

6) Sow, Plant and Hoe. - Finally he suggests to sow, plant & hoe. Hoe to keep down the weeds. Plant out marrows. Sow French beans and runners. Feed crops especially onions. He suggests that when picking gooseberries to leave some to ripen for dessert use.

2017 - I'm really behind this year, on the 1st I chaired the local allotment association's meeting.  Planted out Brussels sprouts, Brokali F1 and Tomato Tumbling Tom on the 3rd.
Harvested Rhubarb, lettuce (black seeded Simpson) and Radish on the 4th.
Harvested 1lb 8oz Swiss Chard ,1lb Rhubarb, 2oz Radish, 12oz lettuce.

Monday 22 May 2017

May 4th Week

According to My Middleton in Dig On For Victory we have 6 tasks this week :

1) Plant Mid-Season Leeks.- Plant 6-in. deep, 9-in. apart in rows set 12-in. apart. Plant a few leeks out now to be used in December. Don't plant too many as leeks are most useful from January to May. 

2) Kohl Rabi Instead of Turnips.- Sow kohl rabi now. Use when tennis ball size to prevent them from becoming coarse.

3) Sow for Various Successions.- According to family requirements, radish, carrots, 6-week turnips, lettuce etc. should be sown in successions. Sowings of Batavian Endive can be sown now in seed trays in a greenhouse/cold frame for transplanting later. 

4) Outdoor Tomatoes, Marrows and Cucumbers.- Outdoor tomatoes can be planted out, avoiding windswept areas. it recommends planting in a trench 10-in. deep and 10-in. wide. Cucumbers can be planted in a greenhouse or cold frame. Marrows can now be planted outside, seeds may be sown outside.

5) Look to Your Grapes.- Thin out bunches of grapes before they become crowded using scissors. Give the roots a good soaking with water. 

6) General Work.- Mulch peas and other crops growing in light soil. Clean seakale beds. Support autumn fruiting raspberries.

Friday 19 May 2017

May 3rd Week

According to My Middleton in Dig On For Victory we have 8 tasks this week :

1) Thinning and Planting.- Plant out seedlings from the seedbed and frames as they're necessary.  If the frosts have finished then tender crops can be set out too. Thin/prick out seedlings from April's sowings before their roots become tangled. 

2) How is Your Plan Working?- When working without a plan it's very easy to end up with no space for the essential crops. Planning and successional sowing extend the harvests.

3) Plant Out Lettuce.- Cos lettuce raised under glass may be planted out now 12 in. apart. A few seeds can be sown outside to provide a succession. Never allow lettuce seedlings to become crowded as it weakens the plants instead thin and use the thinnings in salads.

4) Sow Maincrop Carrots and Beet.- Maincrop carrots and beetroot can now be sown.

5) More Sowing of Spinach.- Further sowings of spinach and New Zealand can be made now.

6) Fertilize and Hoe.- Well established crops may now be given a light sprinkling of general fertilizer. Hoe frequently between rows of crops to work in the fertilizer whilst keeping weeds at bay. Do not allow weeds to flower and set seed.

7) Sow Peas.- The final sowing of varieties of tall peas should be made now.

8) Attend to Fruit.- Apples and pears may be given their last spray of Bordeaux mixture to control scab disease as soon as the petals have fallen. Water well if the weather is dry. Feed raspberries with fertilizer or liquid manure.

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