Thursday 8 February 2018

April 2nd Week

According to My Middleton in Dig On For Victory we have 9 tasks this week :

1) Finish Onion Planting. - Maincrop onions should be sown without delay. Salad onions should also be sown.

2) Sow Spinach and Peas. - Spinach can be sown outside now. Sow peas at fortnightly intervals to maintain supply through the summer. 

3) Sow Radish and Lettuce Outdoors. - Radish can be sown outside between rows of cabbage or cauliflower, or between beans and peas. This method is called intercropping as they mature quicker. Lettuce and spinach can be used for intercropping too. 

4) Fertilize Potatoes and Plant More. - Apply a dressing between rows and mix with the soil as you draw it up. Plant more potatoes.

5) Sow Salsify, Chicory, Runner Beans . - Runner beans and dwarf beans can be sown in seed trays and grown on in the cold frame. Chicory can be sown now for forcing in winter. Salsify can be sown in rows a foot apart.

6) Plant Out Cabbage and Sprouts. - It says the sooner the sprouts are out the better they will grow,

7) Sow Carrots and Turnips. - Sow six-week turnips. Sow carrots but on heavy ground, it recommends using a crowbar to bore holes 18in to 2ft deep and backfilling the holes with a light soil.

8) Spray Fruit Bushes and Trees. - In times when everything was sprayed if it moved, cherries were sprayed with washing soda for aphis. Lime sulphur or ammonium polysulphide were sprayed on blackcurrants and gooseberries.

9) Look to Frames. - Harden off brassicas in frames. 

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