Wednesday 15 April 2020

April 2020, Covid-19 and UK Lock Down

Links to Mr. Middleton's tasks 1st (please note that I have not updated all these tasks at present) :

April 1st Week
April 2nd Week
April 3rd Week
April 4th Week

It is not that I didn't do anything in March it was more to do with the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic. I had been busy getting leases prepared for several local community gardens as well as undertaking clerical work for the local allotment federation and chairing our allotment association's first quarterly meeting of 2020 on March 15th.
 Panic buying mania had started in the U.K. in the week commencing March 8th with toilet rolls,pasta and rice being the items that disappeared first from the supermarket shelves. With lock down looking imminent the local allotment community were concerned that access to their allotments might cease and we sought confirmation from the local authority. On March 20th I drew up a list of guidelines and posted them on the noticeboards around the allotment site:

 The United Kingdom went in to lock down on March 24th and the local authority attached posters on the allotment site gates regarding lock-down and Covid-19.

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