Monday 22 May 2017

May 4th Week

According to My Middleton in Dig On For Victory we have 6 tasks this week :

1) Plant Mid-Season Leeks.- Plant 6-in. deep, 9-in. apart in rows set 12-in. apart. Plant a few leeks out now to be used in December. Don't plant too many as leeks are most useful from January to May. 

2) Kohl Rabi Instead of Turnips.- Sow kohl rabi now. Use when tennis ball size to prevent them from becoming coarse.

3) Sow for Various Successions.- According to family requirements, radish, carrots, 6-week turnips, lettuce etc. should be sown in successions. Sowings of Batavian Endive can be sown now in seed trays in a greenhouse/cold frame for transplanting later. 

4) Outdoor Tomatoes, Marrows and Cucumbers.- Outdoor tomatoes can be planted out, avoiding windswept areas. it recommends planting in a trench 10-in. deep and 10-in. wide. Cucumbers can be planted in a greenhouse or cold frame. Marrows can now be planted outside, seeds may be sown outside.

5) Look to Your Grapes.- Thin out bunches of grapes before they become crowded using scissors. Give the roots a good soaking with water. 

6) General Work.- Mulch peas and other crops growing in light soil. Clean seakale beds. Support autumn fruiting raspberries.

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